Selling in Los Angeles

It’s Time to Sell Your Los Angeles Home While it may seem like there’s never really a bad time to sell in Los Angeles, there’s a better time to sell than others. Right now, it’s a great time to sell. The Los Angeles real state market is very hot and selling now could mean cashing […]

Selling: An Essential List

An Essential List of Things to Do to Sell Your Home You’ve decided it’s time to sell, so what do you do next? Having a list of essentials to get done before listing your home for sale is vital. Here’s our list of essentials to help you get your home sold fast. Find a Great […]

The Right Real Estate Agent (Part 2)

How Critical is the Right Real Estate Agent? (Part 2) Now that you understand the basics behind why a real estate agent is the most important asset you could have during the buying or selling process, it’s a good idea to learn a little more about what different agents can do and how they differ. […]

The Right Real Estate Agent (Part 1)

How Critical is the Right Real Estate Agent? (Part 1) Hiring a real estate agent is one of the most important parts of the home buying and selling process. You need this person to guide you from point A to Z, to handle the things you aren’t experienced in, and to be there to handle […]

Finding Your New Home

Quick Five-Step Process for Finding Your New Home Are you in the market for a new home? It’s a great time to go through this process because the competition will be low and you’ll get to enjoy a new place for almost the whole year ahead. If you’re preparing for a move later in the […]