It’s Time to Sell Your Los Angeles Home

While it may seem like there’s never really a bad time to sell in Los Angeles, there’s a better time to sell than others. Right now, it’s a great time to sell. The Los Angeles real state market is very hot and selling now could mean cashing in, especially for luxury sellers.

Currently, the housing inventory is low and there’s plenty of demand for homes in LA. This creates the perfect mixture for multiple offers and higher selling prices. In fact, the median sales price in Los Angeles last year was $570K, which is up 10% compared to 2016. More than 38% of sellers last year received about $14,000 above the market price of their home.

If you’re looking to sell, you want to make sure you do it right so that you can cash in. Here are a few ways to make sure you’re ready to sell your Los Angeles home for top dollar.

Hire the Right Real Estate Agent

You need more than just any old agent in Los Angeles. Your real estate agent should not only be known for selling homes for top dollar, but he/she should also be an expert in your neighborhood. Los Angeles is a massive city and you need a hyper-local agent to help get your home sold.

Price Your Home Correctly

When you sell your home in LA, you need to make sure the price is just right. If it’s too high, you’ll scare off would-be buyers. However, if it’s too low, buyers may wonder what’s wrong with the property. Pricing it at just the right amount will draw attention and garner you multiple offers on the property.

Make your Home Turnkey

Handling repairs and any updates before you sell will go a very long way. Most buyers want turnkey in Los Angeles. A fresh coat of paint, new flooring and some minor repairs could make all the difference.

Stage for Listing Pictures

Hiring a professional stager before your pictures are taken will go a very long way. Listing pictures are huge with the online search tools most buyers use. Make sure they look amazing by getting the staging done first.

Use these tips and hire the right agent before you list your home for sale in Los Angeles. The market is hot and it’s a great time to cash in if you’ve been thinking about selling.