“Paul is exceptionally knowledgeable and a keen strategist!”
– Tylee Wilson
Former CEO of RJ Reynolds
“Paul is hardworking, reliable and trustworthy.”
– Norm Waitt
Co-Founder Gateway Computer
“Paul thinks about the customer before they think about money.”
– Mike and Linda Beaver
Owners of Beaver Toyota, Santa Fe, NM

Why Elite Referral?

Elite Referral is dedicated to matching buyers and sellers of luxury real estate with the premier real estate brokers in the U.S.Three decades of real estate experience has lead to hundreds of millions in sales and a proven track record for identifying the best brokers.

Years of research allows us to quickly assess which brokers can best assist you to either find a great property that fits your needs, or strategize the best marketing plan to get your property sold for top dollar utilizing the industry’s top brokers.

Our recommendations for brokers are based on your needs, rather than the industry standard of networks or company affiliation. Your needs dictate our referral. We want to be your trusted advisor in finding the best broker for you, our client.


Over 30 years of real estate experience and agent relationships.


A one-of-a-kind real estate experience for a limited audience.


Respect for your privacy and protection of your information.


Dedicated to finding you the finest agent in your market.
A Realtor is a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association of Realtors. Elite Referral Inc. receives referral fees from real estate brokers upon successful closing of real estate transactions. Elite Referral Inc. is a Licensed Real Estate Broker. © Elite Referral. All rights reserved. Terms | Privacy Policy