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Elite Referral Blog

Selling in Los Angeles

It’s Time to Sell Your Los Angeles Home While it may seem like there’s never really a bad time to sell in Los Angeles, there’s a better time to sell than others. Right now, it’s a great time to sell. The Los Angeles real state market is very hot and selling now could mean cashing in, especially for luxury sellers. Currently, the housing inventory is low and there’s plenty of demand for homes in LA. This creates the perfect mixture for multiple offers and higher selling prices. In fact, the median sales price in Los Angeles last year was $570K, […]

California: The Hottest Market of 2017

The Hottest Real Estate Market for 2017: California With home sale prices rising all across the nation, it’s interesting to look back and see which state dominated in 2017. California was the state with the most cities on the list of the hottest real estate markets. This was based on the highest selling price, highest percentage increase for sales price from 2016 to 2017 and many other factors. Out of the top 20 spots on the list of 100 hottest real estate markets, 10 were found in California. Here’s a look at the hottest real estate markets from last year. […]

Luxury Homes: Finding the Right Agent

Top 3 Things to Look for in a Luxury Real Estate Agent When it’s time to sell a luxury home, you need the right agent. Not just any real estate agent will do. The luxury real estate market is a different animal and you need the right agent to help you tame that animal. If you’re looking for the right luxury agent for your needs, you’ve come to the right place. Here are three things to look for in a luxury real estate agent. Incredible Marketing Luxury homes require great marketing to sell for top dollar. When you start searching […]

Selling: An Essential List

An Essential List of Things to Do to Sell Your Home You’ve decided it’s time to sell, so what do you do next? Having a list of essentials to get done before listing your home for sale is vital. Here’s our list of essentials to help you get your home sold fast. Find a Great Real Estate Agent Deciding you don’t want to hire a professional agent to help you sell your home is a bit like trying to re-roof your own home. While you may be able to handle the task, you shouldn’t. Trying to sell your home on […]

Top Real Estate Trends for 2018

Top Luxury Real Estate Market Trends to Watch in 2018 The United States will see many new trends in 2018 due to a huge rewrite of the tax codes. Some of these trends will be found within the luxury real estate market. Of course, the tax code won’t be the only thing impacting the luxury market in 2018. Tax Impact will be Felt Globally While the United States provides the largest changes to the tax code, other areas made changes, as well. The changes in the US will provide a race to dodge the new taxes from foreign investors, flexible […]

Why Choose a Local Agent

Top 3 Benefits of Choosing a Local Real Estate Agent If you’re looking to buy or sell a house, it’s time to find the right real estate agent for you. While choosing a real estate agent in your city is important, choosing a local real estate agent goes beyond just choosing an agent in your city. Local often means an agent that specializes in your neighborhood or the neighborhoods you’re targeting to buy a home in. It’s not enough for the agent to be located in your city. They need to know your target area or neighborhood inside and out. […]

Essential Real Estate Agent Questions

Essential Questions You Must Ask Before Hiring a Real Estate Agent Whether you’re buying or selling a home, choosing the right real estate agent matters. If you don’t choose wisely, you could end up with someone not experienced in your type of property or simply not capable of delivering results. Before hiring any real estate agent, ask these essential questions. How much experience do you have as a real estate agent? Experience is necessary when it comes to buying or selling any property. If you choose an inexperienced real estate agent, you’re gambling on the type of results you’ll get. […]

Top Benefits of Using a Real Estate Agent

Top Benefits of Using a Real Estate Agent When Buying a Home   The majority of those shopping for a home in 2017 chose to hire a real estate agent. In fact, 87% of those buying a home, according to the 2017 Profile of Home Buyer and Sellers hired an agent. Home buyers were asked to list what they felt were the top benefits they gained from hiring a real estate agent. Here are some of the results. 60% of buyers believed the agent helped them understand the buying process better 56% said the agent pointed out unnoticed faults or […]

Top Real Estate Negotiation Tips

Top Tips for Real Estate Negotiation The right negotiations make a huge difference when buying or selling a home. A small mistake could cost thousands of dollars, so you need to be prepared. The right real estate agent makes a huge difference, but you should still understand a few tips about negotiating when dealing with real estate. 1. Empathy and Listening You want to make sure you show empathy during negotiations, especially when buying. The seller may have a strong emotional attachment to their home and if you come off rude or like you don’t understand, they may decide to […]

Beverly Hills Luxury Real Estate

Beverly Hills: A Famous Luxury Destination for Real Estate Beverly Hills has become very famous over the years as one of the most luxurious places to live in California. It’s located in Los Angeles County and while it was originally popular for lima beans, it has become synonymous with luxury in more recent years. It’s home to the popular 90210 zip code, Rodeo Drive and the Beverly Hills Oil Field. The city has been a part of a number of television shows and movies. It has also been a home for many celebrities because of the extravagant dining and shopping. […]

Top Real Estate Lessons from the Wealthiest Zip Codes

Top Real Estate Lessons from Wealthiest U.S. Zip Codes Have you ever wondered what the wealthiest zip codes around the country are doing right? What makes a property more luxurious than another? You can learn much from the wealthiest US zip codes and how the elite want to spend their money. Many times the elite are actually so wealthy because of their investments in the real estate world, which begs to ask the question, what lessons can I learn on their successful investments? Take a look at the top lessons you can learn. Learn to make a passive income There […]

Hiring a Real Estate Agent for New Construction

Should I Hire a Real Estate Agent for New Construction? When you’ve decided to buy a new construction home, you may be wondering if you really need to work with a real estate agent. New construction homes are a popular choice for those that prefer to buy something new, but the common misconception is that you don’t need to work with a realtor during this type of purchase. Despite buying new, you still need representation. Take a look at why you need to hire a real estate agent during this type of purchase. Why do people think they don’t need […]

Top Secrets Your Broker Won’t Tell You

Top Secrets Your Real Estate Broker Won’t Tell You Do you ever feel like real estate brokers have something to hide? Your feeling isn’t wrong because many real estate professionals know secrets about the process that they choose not to share with you. For example, they know that you can technically do this process without them, but even so having an agent on your side is the smartest decision you can make when buying or selling. They also won’t tell you that their commission is negotiable and that they are the ones that want to have an open house. Take […]

Avoiding Realtor Mistakes – Part 1

Avoiding Realtor Mistakes – Part 1 Choosing a realtor can be a difficult process, not knowing for sure if you’ve picked someone that will suit your family’s needs best. That’s why many are going with Elite Referral to take out the guesswork. This company is helping families from all over get paired up with the right agent for them from the start, rather than leaving families scouring the internet and wondering if they’ve made the right choice. Take a look at some of the common mistakes people make when choosing a realtor themselves. Working with a relative It’s common that […]

Avoiding Realtor Mistakes – Part 2

Avoiding Realtor Mistakes – Part 2 Recently, you may have seen the first part of our post on mistakes made when choosing a realtor. We had to write a second part because there are so many common mistakes that end up costing people money and time. Here are a few more common mistakes you will want to avoid when it’s time to choose a realtor. Assuming all agents are the same While you may think they’re all the same because they had to pass the same tests to get to this point, this is very inaccurate. Agents are going to […]

The Right Luxury Real Estate Agent

How to Make Sure You Choose the Right Luxury Real Estate Agent You may not have known that there is a bit of an art behind choosing the right real estate agent. Most people just use a referral from a friend or internet reviews to choose an agent that has a reputation for success. Is this really the best way to know if someone is a right fit for your family? You need someone that has worked with your budget, understands the area you’re moving into or out of, understands the current market, and has experience. Sometimes finding the right […]

The Right Luxury Real Estate Agent

How to Make Sure You Choose the Right Luxury Real Estate Agent You may not have known that there is a bit of an art behind choosing the right real estate agent. Most people just use a referral from a friend or internet reviews to choose an agent that has a reputation for success. Is this really the best way to know if someone is a right fit for your family? You need someone that has worked with your budget, understands the area you’re moving into or out of, understands the current market, and has experience. Sometimes finding the right […]

Positive Luxury Buying Experience

How to Make Sure you Have a Positive Luxury Buying Experience Luxury buying isn’t the same as a regular home buying experience. It’s important to be in communication every step of the way so that no one is making decisions without you and that you aren’t jumping into any deal for fear of a competition with another buyer. If you are buying internationally, there are additional regulations to consider and no matter where you buy, you’ll need to research how development will change in the future. Take a look at these tips to make sure your buying experience goes well. […]

Tips For Selling Your Luxury Property

7 Tips for Selling Your Luxury Property If you’re preparing to sell your property, you may be unaware of what’s involved with selling a luxury home. For example, how do you know when it’s the right time to sell a luxury home? Do you know how to properly price it? How does the open house process work for luxury properties? There are many questions involved in selling a home like yours that wouldn’t be as big of a concern for an average home. Use this guide to make sure you understand these seven considerations involved in selling luxury properties. Make […]

The Right Real Estate Agent (Part 2)

How Critical is the Right Real Estate Agent? (Part 2) Now that you understand the basics behind why a real estate agent is the most important asset you could have during the buying or selling process, it’s a good idea to learn a little more about what different agents can do and how they differ. You know that buyers benefit well from agents because they can work with an expert in the area that will know about recent listings, suitable neighborhoods, and how to know what you can afford in a home. Sellers benefit from a great agent by being […]

The Right Real Estate Agent (Part 1)

How Critical is the Right Real Estate Agent? (Part 1) Hiring a real estate agent is one of the most important parts of the home buying and selling process. You need this person to guide you from point A to Z, to handle the things you aren’t experienced in, and to be there to handle the legal aspects of home buying that you may not be aware of. It’s very important to work with an agent that understands you and your family’s needs. The real estate agent specializes in the buying and selling process while you may have done this […]

Finding Your New Home

Quick Five-Step Process for Finding Your New Home Are you in the market for a new home? It’s a great time to go through this process because the competition will be low and you’ll get to enjoy a new place for almost the whole year ahead. If you’re preparing for a move later in the year, this guide will be a great resource to understand an overview of the process works. It’s going to take time and effort, but with the right agent it can be a smooth process for you. Take a look at this quick five-step guide to […]

Successful Real Estate Investing

Top 5 Habits For Successful Real Estate Investing If you plan to invest in real estate, there are certain things you need to be aware of. Some of the most successful real estate investors all follow specific habits that allow them to achieve and maintain success. Here are five of the most common habits you will want to consider before you begin investing. Create a Business Plan Of course, before you jump into any new venture, you should create a business plan. Putting together a formal plan gives you something to follow and helps you to keep everything on track […]

Real Estate Agent Red Flags

Real Estate Agent Red Flags: What to Watch For Choosing the right real estate agents is one of the most challenging parts of the buying and selling process for families. Being paired with the wrong agent could mean missing out on the perfect property in your home search or not getting your property listed to the right buyers due to a poor communication or a bad fit. Not all agents are made equal and sometimes people make the mistake of choosing an agent based on a quick internet search or based on someone a friend had a good outcome with. […]

Finding Your Dream Home

Finding Your Dream Home Is That Home Right for You? How will you know when a home is right for you? You are likely searching the web or working with a realtor in finding your dream home that balances your wants, your needs, and your budget all into one property that just so happens to be in a great neighborhood near the things you need. It’s an exciting, yet overwhelming time, and you may be fighting with your own gut feelings about the homes you visit. Are you worried that none of the homes you’ve found are quite right or […]

Top Ten List for Selling Luxury Real Estate

Elite Referral’s top ten list for selling luxury real estate The keys to selling luxury homes in general are not a mystery. 1) Realistic pricing — Have the home priced realistically by listening to the market, and current sales in your neighborhood. A good agent will have a have a finger on the pulse of pricing. 2) Great staging — Have the home staged appropriately – the visual presentation and feeling of the home shows how the space will be used and valued. Staging has consistently been the key element in repositioning homes to sell. 3) Professional photography (including stills […]